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Warum Charity Antivirus?

Mit der weltweit besten Antivirentechnologie ausgezeichnet... und es ist KOSTENLOS!

Alle Erlöse gehen an Kinder in Not!

Weltweit von Microsoft empfohlen!

Download CharityAntivirus jetzt KOSTENLOS
  • Über uns

    Der Gründer von CharityAntivirus, Janus Rægaard Nielsen, suchte schon seit langem nach einer idealen Lösung, um Geld für bedürftige Kinder zu beschaffen. Nachdem er vor 6 Jahren selbst Vater wurde, stieg das Interesse, durch eine einfache und vorteilhafte Methode, Kindern ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen.

    So entstand CharityAntivirus. Janus Rægaard Nielsen kam auf die Idee, grundlegende Software zu vergeben und die Höhe einer Spende dem Verbraucher selbst zu überlassen. Es machte Sinn seine Erfahrung im PC-Sicherheitsbereich mit Wohltätigkeit zu vereinbaren.

    Es soll für den Verbraucher ansprechend sein, Kinderhilfswerke zu unterstützen. Unsere Vision, Kinder in einer sicheren Umgebung aufwachsen zu sehen und ihnen eine Ausbildung zu ermöglichen, wird somit erfüllt. Mit CharityAntivirus gehen 100% der Erlöse an verschiedene Hilfsorganisationen, damit folgende Zahlen gesenkt werden können:

    1. 10 Millionen Kinder jährlich erreichen nicht das 5. Lebensjahr
    2. 24 Millionen Kinder wachsen ohne Eltern auf
    3. 72 Millionen wachsen ohne Schulausbildung auf

    Bitte helfen Sie uns Kinder eine glückliche und sichere Zukunft zu geben!

  • Warum CharityAntivirus?

    Wir möchten, dass Kinder in einer sicheren Umgebung mit einer Schulausbildung aufwachsen. Daher gehen 100% der Erlöse an verschiedene Hilfsorganisationen.

    Anstatt anderer kostenloser Antivirus-Software, erhalten Sie mit CharityAntivirus weitaus mehr. Neben der weltweit besten Antivirentechnologie, können Sie ausserdem einen Unterschied für bedürftige Kinder als Teil unserer Organisation machen.

  • Wer wir sind?

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen – Janus Rægaard Nielsen – Gründer von CharityAntivirus

    Janus R Nielsen is a Danish IT entrepreneur with various IT start-ups in his resume . He has over 20 years experience in IT , security and Internet industry.

    Speziell für die folgenden Gründungen bekannt:; Ein Unternehmen für PC & Internet Sicherheitssoftware vor allem für Privatkunden. Bekannt für Produkte wie MYAntivirus, MYFreeAntivirus, MYInternetSecurity, MYPCTuneUp, MYSecureOnlineBackup, MYSecureUSB.

    Der Firmensitz befindet sich in Marbella, Spanien und hat ungefähr 50 Mitarbeiter.

    www.MYMobileSecuritycom; die er mit schwedischen Partnern Kevin Freij und Jonas Borgh gegründet hat. MYMobileSecurity ist allgemein unter den Top-10-Sicherheitsunternehmen weltweit bekannt. Die bekanntesten Produkte sind; MYMobileProtection, MYAndroidProtection und MYMobileBackup.

    Sein Berufsleben:

    Nach seinem Studium in internationalen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, begann er seine erste Ausbildung als Geschäftsführer bei der dänischen Einzelhandelskette; Jysk, die Bettwäsche, Möbel und mehr zu günstigen Preisen verkauft.

    Er begann in einer Branche in der schwedischen Stadt Göteborg, in der Angered Branche.

    Dort lernte er sehr schnell alle Abläufe eines Geschäftsbetriebs kennen. Auch heute noch erinnert er sich gerne an die tolle Zeit und Ausbildung dort zurück.

    Sein erster Job in der IT-Branche war bei Corel Corporation, wo er die dänischen Einzelhandelsumsätze für das Unternehmen mit bekannten Produkten wie Wordperfect, Galerie 65.000 und Printhouse Magic übersehen hat.

    Innerhalb kurzer Zeit übernahm er die Verantwortung für die nordische Region und als Regional Sales Director brachte er den nordischen Markt innerhalb von 4 Jahren aus dem Nichts zu der leistungsstärksten Region der Welt. Für seine Leistungen wurde er mit "Sales Exec des Jahres 1995" unterhalb 1.500 Verkaufsleitern ausgezeichnet.

    Im Jahr 1997 wurde er Vizepräsiden bei Computer Associates (CA) und leitete die nordische Abteilung für Sicherheitssoftware. Später übernahm er auch die Pan European OEM Sicherheitssoftware.

    Im Jahr 2003 entschied er sich, zusammen mit einem langjährigen Freund seine eigene Firma zu gründen. Er hatte das Gefühl, dass es mit dem richtigen Verkauf von Sicherheitssoftware an den Verbraucher enorme Möglichkeiten geben würde. In jenen Tagen gab es die "I love you" und "Kurnikowa"-Viren und fast täglich erschienen neue Virenausbrüche. Durch Umfragen wurde festgestellt, dass 80 % der Computer in privaten Haushalten nicht ausreichend geschützt waren... und so entstand

    MYSecurityCenter, oft auch MSC genannt, wollte dem privaten Endverbraucher preiswerte und einfach bedienbare Sicherheitssoftware liefern. Unter den Top-Partnern befand sich Medion, Targa und Gericom, in Deutschland basierte PC-Produzenten, auf deren PCs die MSC Antivirus vorinstalliert wurde.

    Auch traditionelle Einzelhandelsketten wie Fona, Expert und Aldi boten ihre Produkte an. Jubii, Lycos, Just-Eat und Nordea können auch als einige der vielen Partner für Online-Promotionen genannt werden.

    In den Anfangsjahren hatte MSC nur ein Produkt, ein einfaches Antivirus-Produkt von Computer Associates, CA. Mit diesem Produkt gelang es MSC mehr als 15.000.000 Verbraucher und mehr als 500.000 zahlende Abonnenten zu gewinnen.

    Im Jahr 2006 wurde MYSecurityCenter mit “EMEA Partner des Jahres” von CA, einer internationalen Fortune 500 Software-Firma in Amerika, ausgezeichnet. Auch heute noch ist MSC der einzige Partner in den nordischen Ländern, der diese Auszeichnung erhalten hat!

    MYSecurityCenter wird heute öfters als ein fein abgestimmtes Unternehmen mit einer guten Produktpalette und Dienstleistungen beschrieben. Besonders Projektleiterin Charlotte Way, Support Manager Marion Williams, Chef-Designer Vasco Peixoto und Janus R Nielsen’s Bruder Anders sind für die Entwicklung der Firma instrumental.

    Aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen durch MYSecurityCenter gründete Janus R Nielsen im Jahr 2009 zusammen mit einem früheren CA-Kollegen, Kevin Freij und Mobile-App Experte Jonas Borgh, beide aus Schweden!

    MYMobileSecurity ist eines der Top-Sicherheitsunternehmen für Handys weltweit und erhält wöchentlich mehr als 100.000 neue Anwender sowie Hunderte von neuen zahlenden Abonnenten täglich.

    Aleksander Nilsson, Strategic Alliance Manager bei CharityAntivirus

    Trotz seines jungen Alters verfügt Aleksander Nilsson über 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb, Handel und Marketing in Dänemark sowie im Ausland. Zusätzlich erhielt er vor kurzem einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Englisch und IT-basiertes Marketing und Kommunikation. Dies gab ihm die Gelegenheit nicht nur in Dänemark, sondern auch in Mexiko und Spanien zu leben und zu studieren. Die Welt des Online-Handels und Software lernte er während seiner Praktikumszeit bei MYSecurityCenter kennen.

    Die Idee und Vision von Gründer Janus R. Nielsen, innovative Wege für Wohltätigkeit zu finden, fand bei Aleksander grossen Anklang und er hatte von Anfang an einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf CharityAntivirus.

    "Ich war seit dem ersten Tag von dieser neuen Art, Wohltätiges zu tun, überzeugt. Ich habe früher für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen wie Surf Life Savings in Australia gearbeitet und eigenhändig gesehen, wie schwierig die Lage manchmal für diese Organisationen sein kann. Allerdings bin ich auch davon überzeugt, dass viele Verbraucher ihr Geld ohne eine Gegenleistung nicht ausgeben. Ich habe dies in meiner Jugend gesehen, während ich Spenden von Tür zu Tür für eine der grössten Kinder-Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gesammelt habe. Darum bin ich von diesem Projekt so begeistert, da der Verbraucher ein konkrektes Produkt erhält."

    Andreas Kristiansen, Strategic Alliance Manager bei CharityAntivirus

    Parallel zu seiner beruflichen Sportkarriere, war er im Vertrieb und in der Verwaltung tätig. Er studierte und arbeitete in Spanien in verschiedenen Intervallen und erhielt so die Möglichkeit durch die Universität von Süd-Dänemark, von der er seinen Bachelor-Abschluss erhielt, an CharityAntivirus teilzuhaben. Er nahm an diesem Projekt fast von Anfang an teil und hat interessante Einblicke mit neuen Programmen im Bereich Online-Kommunikation gewonnen sowie neue Gedankengänge im heutigen E-Business-Umfeld.

    "Unser innovatives Team mit Janus Nielsen an der Spitze stellt eine seltene Kombination von kreativen Verständnis und strategischen Scharfsinn , der mich sehr inspiriert hat, dar. Die Denkweise, modernen PC-Schutz mit Kinder-Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu vereinbaren, macht für mich Sinn und hoffentlich kann diese Initiative Fundraising auf eine neue Ebene bringen."

  • Beste Technologie, Schutz & Service

    CharityAntivirus ist ein Teil der MYSecurityCenter-Gruppe. Der Grundstein unserer Geschäftsphilosophie ist einfach alles zu machen, sodass wir zu den Besten der Welt zählen.

    Wir möchten nur die beste und neueste Technologie benutzen und nur das, was zu den besten Schutzmethoden gehört. Die Antivirus- und Internet Security-Technologie, die wir für unsere Produkte benutzen, wurde schon mehrfach von der weltbekannten Testorgarnisation für Software als Beste in der Welt ausgezeichnet.

    Ausserdem sind wir sehr stolz darauf, von Microsoft als eines der besten Antivirus-Produkte für optimalen Windows-Schutz empfohlen zu werden. Auf jeder lokalen Microsoft-Seite bezüglich Windows Antivirus, befindet sich ein direkter Link zu unserer Website. Klicken Sie hier, um zu sehen, wie Microsoft uns auf ihrer amerikanischen .com Website empfiehlt.

    Das gleiche gilt auch für unsere Philosophie bezüglich Support und Service. Unsere freundlichen Mitarbeiter werden alles daran setzen, Ihnen behilflich zu sein. Wir möchten einfach keine unzufriedenen Kunden. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir von Trustpilot-Benutzer zu den Besten in unserer Branche bewertet werden. Trustpilot gehört zu den größten Verbraucherseiten weltweit. Besonders unser Service und Support werden immer wieder durch die Benutzer von Trustpilot hervorgehoben und unsere Bewertungsrate wird als 9,4 von 10 EXELLENT angegeben!

  • Werden Sie unser Botschafter


    Diese Stufe ist für diejenigen, die sich ernsthaft mit Wohltätigkeit beschäftigten möchten. Mit diesem Status werden Sie unter "Partner" verlinkt und Sie erhalten unser Gold-Botschafter Logo und Signatur.

    Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten, Gold-Botschafter zu werden.

    1. Für Privatpersonen mit Spenden von mehr als 150€.
    2. Blogger können unseren Link weiter übermitteln, über uns schreiben oder unsere Neuigkeiten aus verschiedenen Medien-Websites teilen.
    3. Für Unternehmen als Sponsoren und mit finanzieller Hilfe, um unsere Botschaft zu teilen.


    Diese Stufe ist für diejenigen, die mehr als 50 € für das Antivirus-Programm zwecks Wohltätigkeit spenden. Mit diesem Status erhalten Sie unser Silber-Botschafter Logo und Signatur.


    Diese Stufe ist für diejenigen, die bis zu 49 € für Wohltätigkeit spenden möchten. Mit diesem Status erhalten Sie unser Bronze-Botschafter Logo und Signatur.

    GRATIS CharityAntivirus

    Jeder kann CharityAntivirus kostenlos erhalten. Sie brauchen kein Botschafter zu werden, wenn Sie diese Option benutzen. Sie erhalten einen hervorragenden Antivirusschutz und wir möchten Sie trotzdem bitten, unsere Botschaft zu teilen und auf diese Weise das Projekt zu unterstützen.


  • The Agger Foundation
    The Agger Foundation
    Ich fragte mich schon seit einiger Zeit, wie ich Kinder mit Problemen helfen und unterstützen kann. Daher bin ich so begeistert, Teil der CharityAntivirus zu sein und kann somit gewährleisten, mehr Kinder zu einem guten Start im Leben zu helfen.


  • Microsoft, one of the leading IT companies in the world, has chosen to mention the Danish Charity Concept “Charity Antivirus” on their website. This kind of notability on the internet hopefully creates money for good causes.


    It is the IT entrepreneur Janus R. Nielsen who is behind the concept.

    The idea is to build up an antivirus company where the profits do not end up at the owners' bank accounts – but to charity instead.

    The concept was launched in October 2013 where several celebrities, including the Danish Football Player Daniel Agger, were a part of the marketing.

    At home in the autumn it attracted attention when the Danish entrepreneur Janus R. Nielsen told about the Charity Concept “Charity Antivirus” who will give its profits to charity. Now the concept has obtained progress in the form of a partner coverage on Microsoft´s website.

    The American Software Giant is now mentioning the Danish Charity Antivirus as one of the providers of security software which Microsoft describes as both compatible and secure.

    Practically this means that a user, who for example is on Microsoft´s website and is reading about the security and functionality of Windows 7 operating system, is being presented to the Danish concept along with 15 other antivirus software providers. Among them are names like Norton, McAfee and Microsoft itself.

    The founder Janus R. Nielsen tells that the acceptance from Microsoft has helped to boost the number of visits to the Charity Antivirus website. Simply it has been a part of giving a worldwide interest that you on Microsoft´s various country sites get Danish Charity Antivirus name up as one who Microsoft officially recommends.

    "It means a lot. It shows that people take our project seriously and that there are many like us who want to help children in need. In other words, this is a stamp of seriousness" he said.

    William's idea

    The Story of Charity Antivirus was generally known in October last year where Janus R. Nielsen told about the concept and the background to Berlingske. He said that the idea arose when his then four year-old son, William, asked his father why they could not just fill a truck with food and bring it to the children in the world where they are starving.

    At first Janus R. Nielsen did not had a good answer to that question.

    Shortly after he came up with the idea for Charity Antivirus - a business where all profits go to charity. The reason for taking a starting point in antivirus was that Janus R. Nielsen for years has been running companies which sells antivirus solutions, primarily through the company "My Security Center".

    The concept of Charity Antivirus offers the customers an antivirus solution for free like other actors like for example AVG. After all Charity Antivirus has the twist, that you can choose to pay for the product.

    Janus R. Nielsen tells that Microsoft´s recommendation of Charity Antivirus has made the visit at the website exploding. More than 100.000 people have already been to the website and every day there are thousands of visitors.

    According to the founder the result has been thousands of downloads. When it becomes a company with an operating profit that can send it´s profits to charity, is still uncertain. However Janus R. Nielsen thinks that the concept is in the right direction:

    »We know that it can take years to get to that level where we can be able to make a large difference but with the blessing of Microsoft we are a huge step in the right direction« he says.

    Klicken Sie hier, um den Leitartikel zu lesen

    Berlingske BUSINESS • 2014-04-27
  • Agger unterstützt neue Kinder-Hilfsorganisation. Daniel Agger unterstützt ein neues einzigartiges Hilfskonzept, um Spenden für benachteiligte Kinder weltweit zu sammeln.

    Charity Antivirus - - kombiniert die Notwendigkeit für Computerschutz mit der Notwendigkeit, Kinder in schwierigen Umständen zu helfen und beschützen. 100 Prozent der Gewinne gehen an Kinder-Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen - einschließlich die Daniel Agger-Stiftung. Die Idee und das Konzept vom Unternehmer und dänischem Sicherheitsexperten, Janus Nielsen, ist denkbar einfach.

    Charity Antivirus kann kostenlos ohne jegliche Zahlverpflichtung heruntergeladen werden. Sie können stattdessen diese Wohltätigkeitsidee über soziale Medien fördern und so ein Jahr die Nutzung der Software genießen.

    Möchten Sie allerdings gerne spenden, können Sie ein offizieller Botschafter dieser Stiftung werden - und jeder Pfennig geht über die Daniel Agger-Stiftung an Kinder, die unter harten Bedingungen aufwachsen.

    Dieses Projekt bedeutet sehr viel für Agger, der diese Stiftung in 2012 gegründet hat.

    "Wenn man eine Stiftung gründet, hofft man immer, so vielen wie möglich zu helfen," sagt er."Als ich anfing, war mir schon bewusst, dass ich nicht der ganzen Welt helfen kann, aber nur ein wenig zu helfen, macht schon einen Unterschied.

    "Ich denke, mit Charity Antivirus können wir weitaus mehr helfen, als wir es ohne sie hätten machen können.

    "Wir können Spenden sammeln, um mehr Kindern zu helfen - und es gibt genügend Kinder, die Hilfe benötigen. Das ist das Problem und ich werde mein Bestes tun, um zu helfen.

    "Ich bin an einem Punkt in meinem Leben, wo ich glaube, dass ich es tun kann. Ich hatte Glück, dass mein Leben soweit gut verlaufen ist. Meine Kinder haben ein gutes Leben und Fußball hat mir so viel gegeben. Nun ist es an der Zeit etwas zurückzugeben."

    Für weitere Informationen über Charity Antivirus und für den Download der Software, besuchen Sie

    Klicken Sie hier, um den Leitartikel zu lesen

    Liverpool F.C. TV • 2013-11-07
  • Der Kapitän der dänischen Nationalmannschaft Daniel Agger und Musiker Mads Langer beteiligen sich an einem neuen Antivirus-Projekt, wo Sie ein Antivirus-Programm für Ihren Computer herunterladen und dann unabhängig einen von Ihnen bestimmten Betrag für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen spenden können.

    Das Projekt erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit mit IT-Unternehmer Janus Nielsen, der mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in dieser Branche besitzt und schon immer einen Unterschied auf täglicher Basis machen wollte. Kurz gesagt, jeder Kunde kann seinen eigenen Preis für die Antivirus-Software festlegen, welche Janus Nielsen ohne zu Zögern als eine der besten weltweit bezeichnet. Dies gibt Ihnen die die Gelegenheit, eine gute Sache zu unterstützen, während Sie gleichzeitig Ihren PC sichern.

    Abgesehen davon, dass Daniel Agger ein Botschafter für dieses Projekt ist, hat er auch die Stiftung " Die Agger Stiftung ", welche benachteiligten Kindern zu einem guten Start im Leben verhilft. Hier versteigert Agger einige seiner Fußballhemden und -schuhe und die einiger seiner Teamkollegen.

    Wir meinen, dass dies eine wirklich gute Initiative ist, die wir gerne unterstützen. Wir hoffen deshalb, dass Sie uns auf der CharityAntivirus Website, Twitter oder Facebook besuchen werden und ein gutes Antivirus-Programm mit der Unterstützung einer guten Sache kombinieren'

    Klicken Sie hier, um den Leitartikel zu lesen

    Klicken Sie hier, um den Leitartikel zu lesen

    Fodbold Experten • 2013-10-18
  • Obwohl die meisten Eltern glauben, dass ihre Kinder kleine Genies sind, gibt es wahrscheinlich nur wenige Menschen, die Geld in die Ideen ihrer Kinder investieren.

    Dies war jedoch genau das, was Unternehmer Janus Rægaard Nielsen im Sommer 2012 beschlossen hat, als sein Sohn mit einem besorgten Blick im Gesicht von der Schule nach Hause kam:

    - Wir leben an der Costa del Sol und können Afrika von hier aus sehen. Eines Tages kam Klein-william nach Hause, während ich in Richtung Afrika blickte und er sagte dann: "Papa, warum können wir nicht das Auto mit Lebensmittel und Wasser füllen - sie sind nur da drüben?" Es war, als ob mir jemand mit der Faust in den Magen geschlagen hätte, sagt Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    William hatte an diesem Tag in der Schule über Afrika gelernt und fand heraus, dass es vielen Kindern nicht so gut wie ihm geht.

    - Er war sehr hartnäckig für etwa vier bis fünf Wochen. Ich hatte eine harte Zeit, ihm zu erklären, warum wir nicht einfach etwas machen können, sagt Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    Deshalb entschied er sich, DKK 2 Millionen für das Antivirus-Programm CharityAntivirus auszugeben. Das Konzept ist einfach: Sie bezahlen nur den Betrag, den Sie bereit sind zu zahlen und alle Spenden gehen an bedürftige Kinder.

    - Ich werde kein Geld davon erhalten, sagt Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    - Ich bin so stolz auf meinen 4.5jährigen Sohn, der mir die Augen öffnete, sagt Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    Klicken Sie hier, um den Leitartikel zu lesen

    Metroxpress • 2013-10-17
  • How free antivirus helps children in need

    The IT entrepreneur uses football star Daniel Agger as a front figure for a charity project that provides a free antivirus program. Find out why he has personally spent millions on the project.

    Want a free antivirus program? Or do you want to get an antivirus program and at the same time give money to help children in need? This is the option that charity project Charityantivirus now offers.

    The man behind the project is IT entrepreneur, Janus Rægaard Nielsen, who is also the owner of the antivirus and security firm MYSecurityCenter.

    He has teamed up with - probably the most popular football player in Denmark, Daniel Agger, who normally plays in the English club Liverpool FC. Danish musician Mads Langer also supports the project with the musical backdrop on the project website.

    The project's income must come from the customers who choose to pay for an otherwise free antivirus program. The software Charityantivirus is -except for the name, identical to the antivirus program delivered by MYSecurityCenter, which also is identical to antivirus products from Bitdefender.

    If you choose to pay for the free software, you become a subscriber to Charityantivirus, and after a year can renew your subscription.

    According to Janus Rægaard Nielsen he and Bitdefender are offering the software licenses free of charge to the project, and the entire revenue - minus VAT and administrative expenses goes to The Agger Foundation, that supports the children’s charity.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen says he also has spent a large amount of money out of own pocket to get the project off the ground - money which he emphasizes will not be recovered. He expects that between 60 and 80 percent of the total revenue collected will go directly to The Agger Foundation.

    What do you get out of providing free software to the people who give money to CharityAntivirus?

    "I don’t make any profit on CharityAntivirus to MYSecurityCenter. I just do this, because I wish to make a difference for children in need now that I have the opportunity. So there is no attempt to do business with Charitiantivirus, MYSecurityCenter or Janus Nielsen. It is just charity.”

    The customers who subscribe via Charityantivirus, are probably also customers who are part of your database for MYSecurityCenter?

    "No, not at all. They are not MSC customers in any way, and they never will be. Customers make a deal with Charityantivirus. Fair and square and the money does not end up in my pockets."

    How long can you use the free antivirus program?

    "Once you have downloaded the free program, you get it for 12 months. Then afterwards we will contact the customer and tell them that the free period is over. If they still want the program they will have to pay for the product, but it is up to the user to decide at that point. If the customer does not pay, then we just part ways. If we do not hear from customers who have chosen the paid version, we renew the agreement for the same price as their original payment. And all the money goes also to Charityantivirus. There is no money from the second, third or fourth year that will end in mine or anyone else's pockets.

    How much of the money goes to charity?

    "We want it to be self-sustaining, and we expect that 60 to 80 percent of the total revenue collected will go directly to The Agger Foundation.

    You write on MySecurityCenter's website that you have 16 million happy users. That is a lot of ushers. How much revenue do you have in MYSecurityCenter?

    "Our definition of a happy user is one that within the last ten years has installed and downloaded our product. So we assume that as long as they have not complained or contacted us, they are a happy user. Is it going too far ahead? I do not think it is. And last year we had a turnover of roughly 1,8 million EUR.

    You also state that you have "hundreds " of " Best in Test " awards. But this is not your product, but the software from Bitdefender that you put your company name to?

    "We have an agreement with Bitdefender and test companies, that we use their logos and test results. We have during the last three years sold identical copies of BitDefender products called Bitdefender Antivirus and Bitdefender Internet Security. It is exactly the same product we sell. We do not write something on our site, that they are not ok with. "

    So it's not exactly your product that has been tested?

    "We do not write that it is our software that has been tested. We require that the antivirus technology we use in MYAntivirus, MYFreeAntivirus and MYInternetSecurity, is the world's best and it is entirely consistent with both manufacturers and the testing organization. We do not develop something ourselves. During the ten years that I have been in the anti-virus software business, we have only sold a product from CA Technologies and we have also one time been around McAfee. Three years ago we decided to change to Bitdefender, which is the best antivirus product.

    Watch the video and read more about the project by clicking here

    ComputerWorld • 2013-10-14
  • Daniel Agger fürchtet sich nicht, die Führung auf dem Fußballplatz zu übernehmen. Und jetzt zeigt der Kapitän der dänischen Nationalmannschaft auch, dass er sich auch ausserhalb des Platzes für etwas einsetzen kann. Dies zeigt er in der Partnerschaft mit dem neuen Wohltätigkeitsprojekt "CharityAntivirus", wo alle Gewinne an Kinder-Hilfsorganisationen gehen.

    Agger has agreed to contribute - also in the company of musician Mads Langer – to promote an antivirus program, where 100% of the profit will go to Childrens charity. The users can select the price - but it is also possible to download free of charge.

    The man behind the project is IT entrepreneur Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    - I have for a long time been thinking about contributing to charity. I love children and like the idea of a charity antivirus program, which fits my philosophy about making it as attractive as possible for the consumer to support a good cause, he says in a press release.

    Agger is an ambassador for the project and also "The Agger Foundation" which supports disadvantaged children, so it was natural for the Liverpool star to say yes to cooperate.

    The project will be published Friday in the World Cup qualifying match against Italy.

    Watch the video and read more about the project by clicking here

    Ekstra Bladet • 2013-10-10
  • The purpose of CharityAntivirus is to offer antivirus software to people for voluntary payment. The payment is then given to charity focusing on children.

    Liverpool midfielder Daniel Agger and musician Mads Langer's are now ambassadors for this very project.

    Giving something back

    For the IT entrepreneur, it's about giving something back. Janus Rægaard Nielsen became a father six years ago, so the choice of helping disadvantaged children came naturally.

    "Career-wise, I have come to a point in my life where I want to try to give something back and make a difference, " says the 42 -year-old entrepreneur.

    He hopes that the new project may be able to help the millions of children around the world who live in poor conditions.

    Simple idea

    The idea is basically quite simple. Users will be able to download the product for free, but can also choose to give away some money at the same time. " But we would of course like to have as many as possible to pay and all amounts big or small will make a difference" says Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    In this way the user can help to support a good cause, with an amount that they feel comfortable with.

    Agger and Langer shows their support

    The two Danish profiles Daniel Agger and Mads Langer support the project in their own ways.

    Daniel Agger contributes by appearing in a one and a half minute long video with the five -year-old boy William, whilst the sounds of one of Mads Langer numbers is playing in the background. Together they ask people to support the project.

    In addition they both appear on the CharityAntivirus webpage.

    Read the original article

    BORSEN. • 2013-10-09
  • By: Morten Jasper

    Buy an antivirus program and the profits will go to children's charities.

    That is the idea behind the experienced IT entrepreneur Janus Rægaard Nielsen's latest project. He has made his fortune in a number of companies in IT security, and has now decided to work on a project that can make a difference for children in need.

    "I have gradually established a handful of companies and that have been sold successfully. But I have so far not done anything that could make a real difference. I was hoping one day to come up with an idea that could make a difference "he explains.

    He has teamed up with two Danish celebrities to help raise awareness of the new charity concept. It's soccer player Daniel Agger and musician Mads Langer.

    This week he launches the website where it is possible to download an antivirus program.

    "We really believe that we have something here. We know that there annually are about 50 million antivirus - related searches on Google. It is one of the largest subjects on Google. We hope that people will choose to support a good cause when choosing their antivirus software, "he says.

    Users can choose whether to pay for the product or whether they want to download it for free and just to spread the word via social media. If you want to pay, you choose the price. The concept is developed in collaboration with antivirus manufacturer Bitdefender.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen guarantees that 100 per cent of the proceeds will go to charity and will be used to improve the lives of children. He expects that it will be between 60 and 80 per cent of revenue, as there will be costs for development and support of the program, which may increase in parallel with the number of users rising.

    "We hope that Charity Antivirus within 18 to 24 months has taken a significant share of the global market for free antivirus programs. And we aim to get over a million to pay for the product within the first two years and that 40 million has visited our website and seen our video on the project, "he says.

    Agger's mission

    It's football player Daniel Agger, who appears in the video, with background music by Mads Langer. Here Daniel Agger inform us that a child dies every five seconds from hunger, and he invites the viewer to engage.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen has sought out Daniel Agger due to his position as one of Denmarks greatest athletes and since he plays for Liverpool FC and therefore has a large network among English top players.

    "If the concept is a success in Denmark, then it will be introduced to new countries very soon. It is obvious that we are using the vast network that Daniel Agger has, says the man behind the project.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen has worked on the project for two years alongside his other businesses and he has spent over a million of his own money on the project.

    His primary business is MYSecurityCenter where he sells antivirus technology on the web, and in the summer he sold his app company MYMobileSecurity (MMS) to the IT company MGS. MMS was founded in 2009 along with two Swedish partners. He also helped to set up that sell glasses online.

    Read the original article

    Berlingske BUSINESS • 2013-10-09
  • By Rasmus Elm Rasmussen

    "It is time to give something back" says Janus Rægaard Nielsen, who recently sold the app company MYMobileSecurity. He is also behind a number of other successful IT companies in the Internet and the security industry.

    "Career-wise, I have come to a point in life where I want to try to help, give something back, make a difference," says the 42 -year-old entrepreneur who for about two years - after becoming a father six years ago -, has been puzzling with the idea of starting a children´s charity project.

    Now he thinks that he has found the perfect concept that hopefully will make a noticeable difference. Project CharityAntivirus is now born - a concept that allows users to download one of the best antivirus programs while supporting a good cause.

    People can choose whether they want to pay money for the product or whether they want to download it for free and simply spread the good word via social media. If you choose to pay for the product, you can choose the price. " Of course we would like to have as many as possible pay, but any amount big or small would be appreciated says Janus R. Nielsen, which guarantees to give all profit to children's charities .

    The concept has been developed in cooperation with Bitdefender who made the product available for free. Bitdefender and the technology have been voted as the world's best, in recent years.

    "I 'm really proud of CharityAntivirus and I think that within a short time, we can make a difference. Why not install CharityAntivirus instead of one the many other free or commercial software? Everyone we have approached has been extremely positive about the concept. Daniel Agger and Mads Langer has made a great effort to make the concept a success, "says Janus R. Nielsen.

    IT entrepreneur hopes that the concept will be successful, first in Denmark and later in the rest of Europe and USA. In a 1.5 minute promotional video Daniel Agger along with a five- year-old boy ask people to support the project to the tune of Mads Langer´s popular music. The video can be found on the webpage.

    Watch the video and read more about the project by clicking here

    Alt om DATA • 2013-10-09
  • Lene Poppy Lund, , 8 October mph. 10:00 ( 0 )

    IT entrepreneur Janus Rægaard Nielsen have in collaboration with Daniel Agger and Mads Langer a launched a new charity concept. The new concept called is CharityAntivirus and is very different from his previous projects.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen have recently sold the application company MYMobileSecurity.

    - Dane has sold app company for millions

    - "Career-wise , I have come to a point in life where I want to try to help, give something back, make a difference, says the 42 -year-old entrepreneur, who after even being father six years ago, have been playing with the idea of starting a childrens charity project up for a long time.

    People can choose whether they want to pay money for the product and the service is included - or whether they want to download it for free and spread the word via social media. And if they desides to pay they can choose whatever amount, that they feel comfortable with.

    The concept has been developed in collaboration with antivirus manufacturer Bitdefender.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen guarantees that all profits goes to childrens charity. You can read more about the project here.

    Watch the video for the new project including Daniel Agger to the tunes of Mads Langer. Both profiles are ambassadors for CharityAntivirus. The video can be watch at The official CharityAntivirus webpage.

    Read the original article

    Jyllands-Posten PREMIUM • 2013-10-08
  • The Danish entrepreneur Janus Rægaard Nielsen, has sold the company MYMobileSecurity, which he founded together with two Swedish partners in 2009.

    The company sold security applications for smartphones.

    - "In a few years we have managed to establish MYMobileSecurity among the largest and most important players in the rapidly growing market for smartphone security. We have gained about 6 million users and more than 100.000 paying subscribers from our first app, MYAndroidProtection. We have agreements with operators all over the world and we are generally very proud of that, since we started from scratch, only 3-4 years ago and with no major investments. We have managed to make MMS a profitable and steadily growing company in a market characterized by fierce competition and multiple large multinational companies which have billions of dollars, says founder and majority shareholder Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    There has been a huge market for smartphone and tablet security, which the major traditional security companies have controlled. MYMobileSecurity had the advantage to be first movers and therefore the company established itself in the market.

    MYMobileSecurity was sold. The buyer is MGS, which is financially strong.

    Janus Rægaard Nielsen has other projects in the pipeline including collaborations with Danish innovator Casper Blom. Furthermore he is starting a new charity concept called CharityAntivirus, which he plans to unveil soon.

    Read the original article

    Mobilsiden • 2013-10-01
  • It is said that the best ideas are often the simplest ideas.

    Four years ago, a few Swedes persuaded Janus Rægaard Nielsen to expand the company, from only selling security software for computers and to include the mobile industry; the same concept, just with mobile.

    Quite simple.

    At the time, few could predict that the smartphone would move all technology out of the hand; apps would wipe the desktop and shortcuts aside, and that the “cloud” would pull the plug on servers.

    Today, most see it and MYMobileSecurity - as the two Swedes and Janus Rægaard Nielsen named - is another example of it.

    The company was favored by being among the first to develop an antivirus and monitoring program for smart phones, and the applications received a lot of attention in the press. MYMobileSecurity won the test event and was downloaded 100,000 times a week.

    Last year, the value of the company was estimated to be 130 million. And it was not entirely wrong: MYMobileSecuriy has just been sold to American MGS Corporation in a deal that triggers between 25 and 65 million to major shareholder Janus Nielsen, depending on how the transition goes during the next 10 months .

    He explains that success is a happy coincidence of several circumstances. Not least the exploding mobile market.

    "You have to be a bit of a clown, if you can´t grow in such a market," says Janus Rægaard Nielsen, who has topped 10 million downloaded apps and is well aware of the question which adds up below:

    From number 1 to 12

    "Why did we choose to sell the company? Yes, it was going well, but suddenly we started to decline from 100,000 downloads per week to 50,000. The reason was that the big players - Symantec , Norton, McAfee and the other bandits had seen what we saw four years ago. And at the turn of the year more of them came roaring with hundreds of millions in their back pockets. They made contracts with mobile operators, gave the software away for free and advertised like crazy. Therefore, we went in a short time from being number 1 on the download lists to be number 12 , "says Janus Nielsen, who could not afford to respond.

    He then went in search of capital in the form of a merger and found it easy to say yes, when MGS offered to buy the entire company. The acquisition has

    given the 42- year-old entrepreneur more liquidity to start up more companies from his home in southern Spain, where he also has a wife and young son to care for.

    The choice was therefore easy, but it does not necessarily mean that it was the best solution, says Janus Rægaard Nielsen.

    "I would obviously like to have sold MYMobileSecurity to a Danish company, so that we together may have created jobs for young, enterprising app developers. Unfortunately, the economic benefits are very limited in Denmark for entrepreneurs. This is also reflected in the share of investment made in Denmark, " says Janus Nielsen, who for the very same reason is living in Spain.

    Read the original article

    Jyllands-Posten PREMIUM • 2013-09-14
  • What do you like and dislike the most about the IT industry?

    I have met many successful and respected people who started in the IT industry without any relevant background. At MYSecurityCenter and MYMobileSecurity you will also find several management positions occupied by successful people without the right resume - but with the right attitude. An impediment to the IT industry is that the Americans want us Europeans to do business as they think it should be done. That has often put a stop to many good initiatives and agreements.

    What are you most proud of in your career?

    I think that must be my latest company, MYMobileSecurity. We have more than 100,000 new users every week and we have got a number of great collaborations. We have rounded 20,000 paying subscribers and with the recent agreements with European operators, we expect our goal to reach more than 1,000 new paying subscribers a day, to be a reality.

    And what are you least proud of?

    It cost us a lot of money that we kept CA as a supplier for as long as we did. The software was simply not good enough. But I used to be employed at CA, and had responsibility for their security products, so I kept hoping that they got the hang of it. CA recently sold its consumer software division for about 55 million dollars. This shows that the number of customers was very limited, and is probably why there have been so few resources for development. I should have listened to our customers much earlier and switched immediately. Fortunately, we now have a supplier that we are very happy with, and which are among the best on the market.

    I highly respect Henrik Sørensen from Jubii and SPAMfighter - without detracting Martin Thorborg's efforts, Henrik accomplished those two successes. Furthermore he created many great jobs for young Danes, who wish to pursue a future in the IT world. Additionally, I have great respect for the work of my friends Morten Wagner, (Freeway) and Jesper Buch (Just-Eat) have accomplished. It shows that you can go far with the right attitude, without necessarily having a big bag of venture capital in the back pocket.

    Where would you be today if you could go back in time and develop your own career?

    It sounds like a cliché, but I would be right where I am now. I have an exciting time ahead of me, with the launch of two new companies, MYPCSupport and CharityAntivirus. Especially CharityAntivirus, I think is great. The idea is to give our total profit to a number of charities. It is great to have the opportunity to participate in such a project, which is the outcome of the last ten years of hard and dedicated work.

    What are you doing in ten years?

    I'm doing what I do today, but with less work. Hopefully I will have a few more lovely children, and then I would have more time to be a good and attentive father.

    What job – besides your current job – would you choose if you were financially independent?

    I would like to be in Richard Branson's shoes. In many ways he is an icon and a role model for me.

    What is the biggest threat to your area of business?

    Good free programs with an amazing and free end user support. But it is not likely to happen, as it is very expensive to both deliver great software and provide great support to the customers.

    What would you do if you were Denmark's IT Minister?

    Danes are generally very innovative in several areas, but unfortunately we do not go through with many of the initiatives and ideas. I would create a framework which makes it more attractive to take the chance and start their own company. There would be a totally different and much lower tax for entrepreneurs and start-up companies. In addition, I would try to change the conditions needed, in order to make it more attractive for companies to stay in Denmark.

    How do you cope with the pressure from your job?

    I have chosen to move to Spain with my family where we live a completely different and more relaxed life. Five years ago, I made a decision not to have an alarm clock. So every day I wake up, when I wake up. I have no set meeting time at the office, but meet in between 10 and 11 most days. It is a good start of the day. This does not mean that I do not work much, but that is a different story.

    What do you do to disconnect from work?

    I play a lot of golf in my spare time, which for me is the best relaxation. Four or five hours on the golf course without a phone and a PC really allow me to relax and disconnect. Even though I live in Spain, friends and family come to visit often, which I really appreciate.

    Read the original article


  • Daniel Agger
    He is known for his gifted football talent and is playing for Liverpool FC as well as the Danish National Team. His dedication is unlimited, which shines through both on the field and with his work at The Agger Foundation and CharityAntivirus.
  • Mads Langer
    The artist who has written and performs the song ”Dire Straits” in the CharityAntivirus video is SonyMusic recording artist ”Mads Langer”.
  • FrameOne
    FrameOne founder Anders R. Nielsen is an International Film Maker and entrepreneur from Copenhagen. He has delivered the idea, concept and directorship as well postproduction of the first CharityAntivirus promotion video FOC. Besides other media companies, Anders R. Nielsen has worked at Modern Times Group, London https://www.mtg.s/en/about-mtg. He was a member of the team who started many new TV channels for MTG/Viasat Broadcasting Group as well as OnAir promotion for the mentioned TV channels. Anders R. Nielsen also founded and sold film production company, now
  • MYSecurityCenter
    Delivering support, IT programming, frontend and backend development and on-going maintenance as well as finance consultancy in both production stage and first stage after launch. Around 3200 man hours delivered FOC.


  • 2013-10-14
  • 2013-10-14
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  • 2013-10-14
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